
image of a chain linkHow I Started Programming
Mandelbrot Fractal in Shadertoy

Throughout high school, I felt like I was wasting my time. Thus the arrival of the first COVID lockdown has ben a unique opportunity to me: it gave me time to delve into something valuable: programming. Having been introduced to its fundamentals by my Chemistry teacher, I decided to specialize in C++ by exploring its applications in Unreal Engine, mathematics, GLSL, and more.

Some Youtube channels that helped me at that time: The Art Of Code | Javidx9

The Piscineimage of a chain link
Logo of campus 19

While learning programming, I heard about Campus 19 from a relative who worked as a programmer. This school offered a practical approach to learn programming, where you can set your own pace, with one important caveat: The Blackhole. You get expelled if your Blackhole falls down to zero! In September 2020, I entered the Piscine, a one-month entry exam at Campus 19. I successfully passed the exam at 16 years old, a year before getting my high school diploma.

image of a chain linkCampus 19
Projects available in Campus 19

Since October 2021, Campus 19 has significantly enhanced my programming skills. We engage in both individual and group projects, covering topics like: 3D rendering in C, UNIX programming, and web development. During my time there, I've gained diverse skills, including languages like C and Typescript or tools such as Docker and SQL.

Professional Experienceimage of a chain link
Logo of Groupe Bruxelles Lambert

From September 2022 to February 2023, I worked as an intern at GBL. During my time there, I had the opportunity to apply my Python and JavaScript skills At GBL, I worked with various APIs, including Bloomberg APIs and the Microsoft Graph API. This internship allowed me to gain familiarity with the investing industry and understand its intricacies. Thank you, GBL, for providing me with such a valuable internship!

image of a chain linkOthers
The Serum VST Plugin

Around the age of 12, I have spent my spare time studying sound engineering and sound design for approximately two years. This experience gave me a solid foundation in mathematics and physics, as these disciplines are related to the principles of sound. Additionally, I pursued a diploma in basic management from the Belgian Jury Central. This equips me with the knowledge to manage a company independently.

Some Youtube channels that helped me at that time: SeamlessR | Virtual Riot